I had frequently checked back to your blog after viewing your landscape-from-memory video. So cool! You seem very tech savvy, so I wish there were more opportunities to learn how "newer" teachers use social network resources, and in your case, platforms like flickr and tumblr in education. Since there isn't, keep up the good work, the progressive thinking, and the masterpieces because I'll keep checking back to learn something new! Thanks for your ideas, C. Stiel
I had frequently checked back to your blog after viewing your landscape-from-memory video. So cool! You seem very tech savvy, so I wish there were more opportunities to learn how "newer" teachers use social network resources, and in your case, platforms like flickr and tumblr in education. Since there isn't, keep up the good work, the progressive thinking, and the masterpieces because I'll keep checking back to learn something new! Thanks for your ideas, C. Stiel