Wednesday, April 20, 2011

animoto videos!

This tool is my favorite by far! Being a recent graduate of a Masters of Fine Art program at Columbia College Chicago in media arts, video art is near and dear to my heart. I would love to use these quick fix and visually compelling videos to promote my art portfolio, to document my upcoming wedding, to promote student artwork and exhibitions, and to communicate just what it is the RBHS Visual Art Department is about in a brief video format. These videos can be posted to other sites for exposure to the public and used in class to share information with my students. In turn, my student artists could present content about art history and contemporary art, their own body of work, and other topics to share with their classmates and in a presentation or on their own time. I can’t wait to work with Animoto on both a personal and professional level!

Educreate is a video (work in progress) made on Animoto featuring images from teaching and creating artwork...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

edmodo & social networking

Edmodo is a new resource to me as well! It was pretty easy to sign up and connect with others. I could see a benefit in using it to network because students can access it from within school computer labs and at home. However, as a Fine Arts Department, we recently created a 'fan page' on Facebook. I haven't used it extensively, but would probably do so before Edmodo. I realize you cannot have back and forth conversation with a 'fan page', but adding comments to the class blog or via Voicethread (love it) would serve the same purpose. As a host, both Facebook and Blogspot lend to a broader audience being a familiar name with high traffic. Voicethread is so novel in its format that I think students would enjoy it more than Edmodo.


This was my first experience with Voicethread and think it is an exciting new tool to use with my students. The tutorial that includes an image of Georges Seurat's painting explores how to use this tool in the context of art history and art education - both of which I could use in my classes. I frequently have critiques with my students, which is a time consuming activity when we are on a tight studio schedule to produce as many high quality works as possible in a given semester. This could be an alternative means to share thoughts about student work outside of class time. Of course using Voicethread to reflect on professional contemporary art and art history is another practical use of this interface. I can't wait to explore this site more and put it to work in my classroom.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

wikispaces & food

It was really gratifying to follow through on creating a wiki because I have been meaning to do just that for years to document and share my Oma's infamous Yugoslavian recipes. So, thanks to 17 Things, I finally followed through. Check out  to see a growing cook book of the Kampf family's Donauchwaben food culture. I also posted a family tree to archive through the years on this family hub. Now the trick is getting everyone else to contribute...  

In the context of the classroom, I could use a wiki to start and sustain a dialogue amongst my art students about art history, contemporary art, their own works in progress, and collaborative art works. My students frequently discuss these topics in a verbal, written, and worksheet-guided critique, but tackling this subject matter on their own time would allow for independent thinking within a less confrontational venue, more studio time in class, developing professional relationships with their peers, and learning how to utilize the internet for academic and artistic growth.