This tool is my favorite by far! Being a recent graduate of a Masters of Fine Art program at Columbia College Chicago in media arts, video art is near and dear to my heart. I would love to use these quick fix and visually compelling videos to promote my art portfolio, to document my upcoming wedding, to promote student artwork and exhibitions, and to communicate just what it is the RBHS Visual Art Department is about in a brief video format. These videos can be posted to other sites for exposure to the public and used in class to share information with my students. In turn, my student artists could present content about art history and contemporary art, their own body of work, and other topics to share with their classmates and in a presentation or on their own time. I can’t wait to work with Animoto on both a personal and professional level!
Educreate is a video (work in progress) made on Animoto featuring images from teaching and creating artwork...
Very cool Animoto! Great choice of music, too. I think Animoto is such an awesome tool, and there are teachers here who are using it in really innovative ways. I would like to get a full-length Educator classroom account someday and use it with some of our research projects. What great potential for a transliteracy project. Hmm, maybe I'll have to look into that! Thanks for posting.